Friday, April 12, 2013

marathon fueling strategy

I'm going to be doing a marathon soon, and I thought I'd record my fueling strategy here in case it goes well I'll have a record, and anyone who cares to can reference it.  

1 day before race: run a hard two miles (race pace), eat a good breakfast with plenty of protein and carbs, but not much for fiber and fat.  Avoid high fat high fiber foods all day.  Drink .6 oz/lbs of body weight of water.

Morning of race: Drink ~12 oz water/hr, but stop 30 minutes before race. Complete a breakfast of 200-400 calories with minimal simple sugar, fiber, and fat 3 hours before start.  A plain bagel with plain yogurt has been a winner in the past.  Consume one GU type package 6 minutes before start. 

During race: Drink water as much as possible at aid stations, and consume one honey packet every 10 minutes or as stomach allows.  Consume 1-2 Hammer Endurolyte/hour based on perceived sweat/drink rate. 

This is based off different sources such as the hammer nutrition fueling guide, an article on, and my own experiences of course.

Here's some ramblings: It might make sense to make the endurolyte number based on the drink rate.  Cups are ~4oz, and 18 oz/hr is a likely maximum water intake.  Normal Saline has a concentration of 9g of sodium/ Liter, or 2.11 g/ 8oz serving.  A saltier sports drink like Skratch Labs Exercise Drink has 130 mg of sodium per 8 oz.  An endurolyte tablet has 40 mg.  So one could take more than one tablet per drink (from a marathon aid station cup), in principle.  I'm not convinced this is a great idea. 

I find this sort of thing very hard.  Running marathon pace for a marathon time causes all sorts of GI problems, and it's hard to replicate such an effort in training.  You can go that hard or you can go that long, but if you do both you're going to be wiped out for a good while.  I keep some notes, but one doesn't really know if problems were caused by too much of one thing or too much of another.  This combo has worked okay for me in the past however. 


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